“I had been living in my addiction for 30 years before I came to Mending Hearts. I am now 40 years old. I grew up with my mom who was on drugs and she let me do drugs with her at age 9. By the time I was 14, I was addicted and always looking for my next high. I was involved with prostitution, drug possession, and did some jail time. During these years, I had 2 children and lost my son to a gunshot to his head. I tried to get clean and just could never do it! Time went by and I eventually detoxed and came to Mending Hearts…and this place changed me! I began to feel like life was worth living again. Mending Hearts has taught me to love again, to trust myself and others, to think more positively…everyday I am learning something new. I have a FT job that I like and I have moved out into my own place to begin living independently. My dream is to finish raising my 15-year old daughter, to receive my GED and to eventually own my own home one day.”